J AN ISTARA Ackerman 5-02-2007
Rise up and greet your Camelot
this ‘Merry month of May!’
Green seedlings reach for LIGHT
with rainbow-colored flower buds
opening to moonshine night.
Spring rains purify, cleansing away
foul residues of winter.
Pulsing life-energy thrusts sap up to touch sun.
Lotus blossoms open thousand flower petal fans,
as intoxicating perfumes ride winds of May.
Birds begin nest building,
gathering nature velvet textures
to line circular structured homes.
Earth’s babies begin their journey
from dark womb to freedom’s brightness.
Through shadowy constrictive tunnels,
nature pushes and strains...
forcing innocent into strange world
of light, sound and touch.
Hungry for nourishment and quiet rest,
newborns seek life’s warm, nurturing milk
from their mother
and peaceful, slumbering protection
from their father.
Into this birthing process comes
compassionate Love, nature’s blessing.
Life rays brought forth from CREATOR’s heart
reveal true meaning of ‘universal family-hood.’
Christ’s Love with Buddha’s wisdom
wraps around family nuclei,
sharing wise, compassionate love.
For an enlightened full moon moment,
all seems harmonious with the world.
Sweet words of joy and delight
whisper into cooing baby’s ear.
Held close to Goddess’s beating heart,
the smell of babyhood fills the nest.
From over head, holy ethereal LIGHT
descends deep into Mother’s earth-soul,
blessings drift back and forth between
Great Central Sun and child’s core.
All nature stands to embrace the new BEing,
the blessed one, the child-God of Matter.
Yes, all is peaceful and holy…
fresh and harmonious...
sacred and serene...
for Spirit is honored in Matter.
Now time has come for Matter to
recognize HOLY SPIRIT within its self.
The foot prints of these babies shall leave
their mark on the face of all creation.
Mother Earth and her inhabitants
will ascend into Oneness, for enlightened
Indigo, Crystal, Star birthed children,
endowed with a mission, lead ‘Family’ home.

Visti my blog http://janistara.blogspot.com/
for this poem message and many more.
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