J AN ISTARA Ackerman 6-19-2007
“Come crawl up in my big-armed rocking chair.
Let’s rock your pain away. Let the tears fall...
and roll down that long, sad, contorted face.
‘REJECTION’ you say?
So that’s the issue.
Is it their problem or yours?
Listen to their message with an open heart;
allow them to own and solve their problems.
If it’s their problem,
why does it hurt you so deeply?
Surely, you know of your own worth?
My goodness, we’ve covered this subject
many times over the years.
We can and shall go over it once again
for as long and as often as you need to hear it.
Dear Child of mine, I AM the GRAND CREATOR.
No one looks, feels or thinks exactly like YOU,
for you are uniquely awesome in everyway.
No one expresses themselves like you,
or dreams just like you.
I have yet to find one who tells me
they love me precisely like you.
When I hold you close and rock you,
no one else feels exactly
the way you do in my arms.
Honestly, no one can take
your place in my heart.
You are a perfect creation of mine.
When I hold you close,
our hearts beat in rhythm.
I long for you my child;
I long for you.
Now... that you feel totally loved,
can you embrace the one who hurt you,
the one who was more focused
on their own personal needs than on yours?
You know, the one who had their own agenda
and did not harbor any ill intent towards you?
Can you love that one now?
Know, that no matter what you do, think or say,
my love for you is unconditional... it is eternal.
Can you open your heart, become one with them?
Your understanding of them is limited because
you can’t walk in their shoes down their private path
nor experience their personal pain.
But now you may be able to forgive them
for your heartache?
Can you blend into their human-hood
and allow them to process
and unfold in their own way?
Can you seek common ground?
Can you offer them a FULL glass
of water to quench their thirst?
Can you share life’s gifts with them
and smile at their joy?
Can you dance to their music?
Can you marvel at their unique features
and feel my energy moving through them?
Look into their eyes; see me smiling back at you.
See the magic of all my creations.
Acknowledge wonderment of ‘individuality’.
When you are immersed in my love,
you seek enlightenment,
you grow in SELF-awareness.
You evolve into a magnificent being
of compassionate Love.
You become a world,
a universe of fascinating beauty.
You become centered in your Cosmic SELF,
encompassing CREATOR’s essence.
As you see SELF in your entire splendor,
you view others in the same Light.
Soon everyone and everything
is added to the blazing Fire,
that glorious, all consuming Holy Spirit
the great CREATOR,
the grand Architect of ALL.
Oh, you say you’re feeling whole
and peaceful again?
Well then, give me a hug
and run along and play.
Float on the breezes,
dig holes in the sand,
smell the crackling bonfire,
taste peas in a freshly popped pod,
and feel the fuzz of a peach skin.
Run your fingers through a dog's fur,
dip your toes in cold lake water,
smell a baby’s forehead.
warm your face in a sunrise,
and count the clouds in the sky.
Now dear one,
feel the heart beat of the one
you thought rejected you.
And smile... that’s it... SMILE!
Who was rejecting who?
When you love SELF completely,
you love ALL in all its forms.
That is the TRUTH.
Receive this magical experience
as a gift to your SELF and
rejoice in the miracle of Love,
the miracle of SELF LOVE
without any conditions!”

Photographer Unknown
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