Is it true that life is a blank canvas
with no expectations... no responsibilities?
Are we just to BE present in the Light?!
Just BE!?
There is nothing we have to do.
We came here to play,
to do what brings us joy.
We don’t have to put paint on the canvas,
because WE ARE the canvas, the brush,
the painting, and the color wheel.
We are the artist, the vision, the dream.
We are shimmering, fluidic paint
flowing from Divine Essence
on a borderless canvas
stretching through eternity.
We will always BE!!
CREATOR has never dropped the brush
or stopped creating new colors to explore.
God/dess is always at play, and so are we.
So pick yourself up,
dust your bristly self off.
Be the painter and
the Sacred painting brush.
Jump into those bottles of color... whee.
Witness how your experiences
and situations change while dancing
in ecstasy on life's blank canvas.
Relax into the process
of rising and falling with each stroke
of CREATOR’s hand... your hand.
Enjoy the paint smell of life,
the multicolored sights,
the vibrant rhythm of your dance.
Spin and twirl, skip and bounce
across the surface.
Let your ‘brush-wings’ fan out
and then return to
a still, minuscule point of Light.
Embrace the experience of ONE-ness
both with and as the Divine ‘ARTIST.’
CREATOR has given you
unlimited freedom to BE IT ALL.
Allow yourself to be painted
in all shades of color.
Include colorant yet to be birthed
on this dimension, for the new colors
of heightened frequency literally sing.
This melodious harmony
draws creation together,
flowing out again as Divinity exhales.
So remain in a state of fluid allowance,
en-joying the exuding intoxication
of playfulness.
This state of heart will bring color
and texture into your life and
and the lives of all you meet.
Encourage them to join
the dancing rainbow
on the canvas of life.
You're encouraged to share 'Creator's Messages'
with others, sending them in their entirety
with contact information attached.
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