J AN ISTARA Ackerman 8-26-2010
Oh breath of LOVE flowing
through my wind swept curls,
I hoist my sails into your air current.
Within life’s sacred breezes,
I sail my spirit path in constant rhythm.
My heart beat laps upon the bow of my soul,
opening to a wisdom message from
Mother/Father GOD, All That Is.
through my wind swept curls,
I hoist my sails into your air current.
Within life’s sacred breezes,
I sail my spirit path in constant rhythm.
My heart beat laps upon the bow of my soul,
opening to a wisdom message from
Mother/Father GOD, All That Is.
“We address you in our inclusiveness,
for we are wholly ONE.
Our bond melts all illusive divisions,
all third dimensional dualities
into the Holy Circle of Unity.
We sing a divine song of IS-ness
as we rock you
in Omni-verses of Expansion.
Your spirit has no boundaries.
Your ocean path is open wide.
Creative bliss propels you outward,
as it guides you with star light.
All reside on the endless sea of life
were water mirrors
the whole of creation
in single ray drops of sunlight.
The mystery of it all never stops giving birth;
the magic of it all never stops enlightening.
You shall sway back and forth
eternally on the ship of Love,
for the Breath of Light
never ceases to flow.
Sail on Dear Heart, sail on."

Go to http://janistara.blogspot.com/
to visit my blog, VISION STAR
for this poem message and many more.
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