J AN ISTARA Ackerman 5-15-2007
We, the Archangels,
come to minister to you this day.
Our path is that of an arch
stretching from Heaven to Earth.
It is also known as Loves
‘Rainbow Bridge of Light.’
We transverse this arch,
back and forth,
making the way radiantly clear for
humanity to envision and consider.
We take up our positions
as watch towers
in the four directions,
encouraging you across the arch.
Partake of loving wisdom
on heavenly dimensions.
You cross the Rainbow Bridge
at birth to the 3rd dimension.
At death, you retrace your steps,
and return to the Land of Light.
Returning is also done during
the dream and meditation state.
Many find it heartening to embrace
CREATOR’s ‘touch stone,
discovering SOURCE connection
deep within is never totally severed.
Angels, a part of I AM,
reside in the gel of your cells.
We are ONE with you,
and within you.
We are constantly here
to remind you who you truly are.
The Light elements of creation,
ingredients in earth’s clay-like-gel,
are sprinkle-sparks
of CREATOR energy.
molded into godly forms,
Holy Spirit breathes...
the breath of eternal life...
birthing forms on 3rd dimension.
The essence of I AM THAT I AM,
sprinkled throughout the gel,
ensures CREATOR’s reign within
the core of every living cell.
I AM and gel… IS...
CREATOR’s physical an gel…
Angels and Archangels are
created with the same
components as the human race,
but our ‘gel’ does not come
from the material plane.
We do not forget who we are
because a 3rd dimensional veil
never conceals truth from our eyes.
It is therefore our great joy
to cross the arch,
ministering to you as you grow
into your aware ‘I AM-ness’.
Once you remember,
reclaim the awareness
of your ‘I AM’ status,
you may ascend immediately
remain as ‘earth angel’ guides,
baptizing other Light Seekers
with peace, faith and hope.
As guardians and guides,
you may ascend with Mother Earth
and all aware inhabitance at the time
of the Grand Cosmic Ascension…
an ascension very close at hand.
What wonderful students you have
been through the eons of time.
What wonderful teachers
you shall be in the future.
The cosmos awaits your awakening
and honors your process.
What a gift you are to CREATOR,
the Holy of Holies.
Great Central Sunlight
shines forth from your eyes,
mirroring CREATOR’s Glory,
and the magnificence of creation.
Behold the star-glistening archway
of the universe and...

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