J AN ISTARA Ackerman 10-10-2007
Today’s ethereal gateway holds
a sacred Diamond Flame of Light,
shinning like a ‘Welcome’ sign in the sky.
Standing on the threshold, I realize I generally focus
in higher dimensions, beyond earth’s illusive reality.
Once I move through this open portal,
I will return to earth with new awareness,
gazing outward from my Light body.
Touching into portal energy, a smile
vibrates through me, opening my heart.
Misty eyes form drops of anticipation, of joy.
Tears follow each other down cheek pathways,
converging in overflow emotions of gratitude.
I step across into the Land of Light.
Moving about the land, my new sacred space,
I acknowledge it is an eternal part of me.
I am cognizant I have just returned ‘home’.
I feel the presence of ‘Family’ members
embracing me from this galaxy and beyond.
I reach out, touching into their holiness,
as they touch into mine.
“I wish to come home to you,” says I,
“for I long for the company of ‘My family,’
a world family who loves me unconditionally,
who shares and teaches without hidden agendas.
In this world, ‘Family’ members hold me in the Light,
extending true freedom of choice without judgment,
as well as trust, warmth and kindheartedness.”
It is wondrous to be surrounded by ‘safe’ friends,
whose thoughts are not only visible above ground,
but shine forth openly from mountain’s highest peak.
I long for a world where words or action is not
manipulative, but genuinely true and loving in always.
My heart draws to a place where honesty and integrity
are the norm; no other way is even considered.
This is sacred space, where I can be totally myself
expressing every thought without fear of ridicule.
In this place, love is felt in every fiber of my being.
I will return to earth with new awareness,
gazing outward from my Light body.
Touching into portal energy, a smile
vibrates through me, opening my heart.
Misty eyes form drops of anticipation, of joy.
Tears follow each other down cheek pathways,
converging in overflow emotions of gratitude.
I step across into the Land of Light.
Moving about the land, my new sacred space,
I acknowledge it is an eternal part of me.
I am cognizant I have just returned ‘home’.
I feel the presence of ‘Family’ members
embracing me from this galaxy and beyond.
I reach out, touching into their holiness,
as they touch into mine.
“I wish to come home to you,” says I,
“for I long for the company of ‘My family,’
a world family who loves me unconditionally,
who shares and teaches without hidden agendas.
In this world, ‘Family’ members hold me in the Light,
extending true freedom of choice without judgment,
as well as trust, warmth and kindheartedness.”
It is wondrous to be surrounded by ‘safe’ friends,
whose thoughts are not only visible above ground,
but shine forth openly from mountain’s highest peak.
I long for a world where words or action is not
manipulative, but genuinely true and loving in always.
My heart draws to a place where honesty and integrity
are the norm; no other way is even considered.
This is sacred space, where I can be totally myself
expressing every thought without fear of ridicule.
In this place, love is felt in every fiber of my being.
I can beat my drum with no glass shattering.
I can laugh until my eyes fill with tears
as I roll on the ground uncontrollably,
peeing my pants in sheer delight.
Then abruptly I can cease my carrying on,
sit tranquilly beneath the shade of a mighty oak,
only rising to dangle my feet in cool lake waters.
All the while, I am allowed a private, sacred space.
Or if I wish, I can join with other loving Beings, who
support my self expression, my process of evolving.
They provide and enhance a safe haven for me;
I reciprocate with equal love and regard.
In this dimension of sacred space, divine facets
lie beyond its Diamond Flame of Light gateway.
I carry back its memory to share on the New Earth.
For me, the old earth passed away; it no longer exists.
The ascension process continues onward and upward.
I rejoice with each open portal I move through.
My vista expands as does ‘my sacred space.’
Realizing there is no space that is not sacred,
I live in the Circle of NOW, of SACREDNESS,
united with GOD/DESS... Holy ONE-ness of ALL.

Photographer Jan Custers of Holland
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Go to http://janistara.blogspot.com/
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