Artist Unknown
“Peace Child peace!
Dear One, your physical pain is the result
of false, separation beliefs which
remove your blissful state of ONEness.
Such thoughts manifest an aching pain,
binding up your sense of joy and freedom.
The parts of you feeling dis-ease are working
themselves to the surface for exposure,
like seedlings pushing through earthen crust
to seize the healing Light of wholeness.
All the while a sacred chair stands empty
inviting you to sit in silent serenity.
Here, heaven’s Love awaits your company.
In higher dimensions, you focus
on the Holy essence of your heart.
At this level you are seated in
your divine Power,
your sacred Wisdom
and your unconditional Love.
At this level you Love yourself...
the whole of you.
At this dimension you ask,
"How can I be of service?"
"We answer you,
BE the ‘I AM' that you are,
all the godly aspects of your
awakened Higher SELF,
as well as the multitude
of dimensional selves in training...
in training to REMEMBER.
Unite in ONE-ness all these
shimmering Light fragments
of thy Holy SELF/self.
Be the whole of your creation.
Be who you already are.
Just BE!
BE!! "
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