STAR GATE 11-11-11
J AN ISTARA Ackerman 11-11-2009
I am longing for some words of comfort
from my Mother/Father God, All That IS.
"I AM here...
All the I’s are here as ONE...
one creative force of All...
the All That IS.
We are with you in every way
to support and Love you,
child of our Heart.
You are deeply loved,
along with the
ALL of creation,
plus that which is still
to come out of the void .
A star gate stands open
for the small spinning planet
of Earth to dance through...
Tara’s rise into the Light
has been foreseen
since the beginning of ‘birth.’
She is a rose of great beauty,
a ‘Stargate Ship,’
shepherding all of her ‘FAMILY,’
both upon and within her surface.
As the ‘Tara Ship’ travels
through the 'Star Gate 11-11-11,'
all harmony and balance
shall be restored unto her,
rendering unity and equality
among male and female energies.
Light shall infused the dark,
for all differences of separation
and unique variations
shall stand together as ONE .
All blended rays
of the rainbow shall merge
into the glorious, golden-whiteness
of my sacred fire... the Holy Spirit.
All is made ready to receive
those pure of heart
who wish to touch the face of
LOVE’s true Source.
My arms welcome you dear child
and your spirit is embraced.
You are set free once again
to express and co-create
in a field of eternal possibilities.
Standing in the Light,
you are ready to enter the star gate
and return to your
Spiritual Higher SELF.
Welcome home!!!"
Welcome home!!!"
You are encouraged to share the 'Creator's Messages'
with others as long as you send them in their entirety
and with the contact information attached.
VISION STAR http://janistara.blogspot.com/
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