J AN ISTARA Ackerman 8-05 2007
Lake Bemidji laps at the shoreline,
creating a ‘beach hem’ of musical ruffles
made of bubbling, white lace.
On this August summer day,
gray, cloudy skies and lake-scented air
sing of peace, tranquility and awe,
as a lone seagull flies to an unknown destination.
Lake Bemidji laps at the shoreline,
creating a ‘beach hem’ of musical ruffles
made of bubbling, white lace.
On this August summer day,
gray, cloudy skies and lake-scented air
sing of peace, tranquility and awe,
as a lone seagull flies to an unknown destination.

Walking along the pathway to ‘Sunview Pond,’
floating lily pads eventually come into view.
I sit to meditate in silent solitude...
On occasion, excited visitors come and go,
but scarcely touch into nature’s tranquil gifts.
Cool, gentle winds float over the water,
kissing perspiration droplets on my skin.
Tall grasses wave to me from the
pond’s surrounding shoreline.
At their back, stand dark-green pines and
white birch, creating tree-steps to the sky
of advancing height and age.
My eyes roam the tree tops for an eagle’s nest,
as my heart longs
for a message of spiritual truth.
I close my eyes, listening for inner whispers
and my soul opens up to CREATOR’s thoughts,
“Rest easy my dear; soak in my handiwork.
Let your mind skip across pond ripples.
Let your heart dance and soar on soft breezes.
Lift your eyes to the heavens,
pierce the cotton cloud cover as
you rise towards the great central SUN.
Frolic in the sparkling light rays
and follow them to life’s true SOURCE.
High above, you will see White Eagle soar,
close to the sacred core
I close my eyes, listening for inner whispers
and my soul opens up to CREATOR’s thoughts,
“Rest easy my dear; soak in my handiwork.
Let your mind skip across pond ripples.
Let your heart dance and soar on soft breezes.
Lift your eyes to the heavens,
pierce the cotton cloud cover as
you rise towards the great central SUN.
Frolic in the sparkling light rays
and follow them to life’s true SOURCE.
High above, you will see White Eagle soar,
close to the sacred core
of life’s Supreme CREATOR.
Grab on to White Eagle’s wide spread wings
and ride upon its back to your inner temple.
'Accession'-Artist Bruce Harman
As you draw near an ethereal gateway,
notice two tall pillars standing on each side.
An indescribable scene of delight bursts open
as you fly closer and closer to its brilliance.
White Eagle touches down in front of
the glimmering golden-white glow,
gesturing for you to enter the Holy LIGHT.”
Ascending to divine, expansive dimensions,
brings to mind energy-memories long forgotten.
My soul merges with my spirit...
with the Holy Spirit...
with the Alpha and Omega of Creation...
with the ONEness of Bliss...
with the Eternal NOW.
Peering through a glass window
of ancient wisdom and truth,
craving to catch a glimpse of my CREATOR,
I see a dazzling, white LIGHT
move closer and closer.
Through the window, I witness a Great Being,
a most glorious image of radiance and power.
As this beautiful image moves closer,
I gaze into HER eyes...
I see HER looking back at me.
COLLAGE........... Artist Erial
She shares a secret thought that
vibrates through my whole being,
“My dear,” She expresses,
“this is not a window to look through,
but rather... a mirror!
What you see is a reflected image
of your holy SELF.
This is a truth for everyone to acknowledge... if...
they would but fly to their GOD SOURCE like thee.
All will return to what they already are.
And what an adventure that shall be.
Go now and retrace your flight.
Assist others with renewed insight.”
Back I go to walk the path of earth’s dimension.
Soon I see two white seagulls fly across my vision.
Pausing, I watch them soar
on ‘winds of togetherness.’
Then one pulls out of formation,
flies back to me and whispers,
“I have found myself!”
It then returns to its partner...
to the ONEness of its Higher SELF.
You are encouraged to share the 'Creator's Messages'
with others as long as you send them in their entirety
and with the contact information attached.
Grab on to White Eagle’s wide spread wings
and ride upon its back to your inner temple.

As you draw near an ethereal gateway,
notice two tall pillars standing on each side.
An indescribable scene of delight bursts open
as you fly closer and closer to its brilliance.
White Eagle touches down in front of
the glimmering golden-white glow,
gesturing for you to enter the Holy LIGHT.”
Ascending to divine, expansive dimensions,
brings to mind energy-memories long forgotten.
My soul merges with my spirit...
with the Holy Spirit...
with the Alpha and Omega of Creation...
with the ONEness of Bliss...
with the Eternal NOW.
Peering through a glass window
of ancient wisdom and truth,
craving to catch a glimpse of my CREATOR,
I see a dazzling, white LIGHT
move closer and closer.
Through the window, I witness a Great Being,
a most glorious image of radiance and power.
As this beautiful image moves closer,
I gaze into HER eyes...
I see HER looking back at me.

She shares a secret thought that
vibrates through my whole being,
“My dear,” She expresses,
“this is not a window to look through,
but rather... a mirror!
What you see is a reflected image
of your holy SELF.
This is a truth for everyone to acknowledge... if...
they would but fly to their GOD SOURCE like thee.
All will return to what they already are.
And what an adventure that shall be.
Go now and retrace your flight.
Assist others with renewed insight.”
Back I go to walk the path of earth’s dimension.
Soon I see two white seagulls fly across my vision.
Pausing, I watch them soar
on ‘winds of togetherness.’
Then one pulls out of formation,
flies back to me and whispers,
“I have found myself!”
It then returns to its partner...
to the ONEness of its Higher SELF.

You are encouraged to share the 'Creator's Messages'
with others as long as you send them in their entirety
and with the contact information attached.
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