With our feet planted in two worlds,
several of us find ourselves filled with
many unanswered questions.
Which of the two worlds will grab our attention?
Where will we focus our awareness?
Due to the turbulence, doubts and fears
of some family members and friendships,
there can be a severing of our bonds and ties,
a natural moving away from one another
as different energies and beliefs
become more defined.
Walls may go up and others come down
as we allow and witness
new transformation frequencies.
Some choose to embrace the new changes,
others panic and hide, wringing their hands in fear.
On occasion, we actually find ourselves doing both,
as we vacillate back and forth,
living in both worlds simultaneously.
At times the pathways to these two worlds
seem to run together back and forth, but
soon clarity reveals the path to the Old World
remains in the darkness of duality,
often harboring constrictive, fearful feelings.
The New World path back to SOURCE is
expansive in truth and awareness, promoting
feelings of harmonious Love and Oneness.
Contemplating ‘free choice,’
as neither is right or wrong,
we journey down the path
we most resonate with.
Thinking we are home free
and trusting our decision,
a new issue may suddenly surface.
This may entail the need for new releasing,
new surrendering, new allowance,
new understanding and embracing.
Continuing to evolve as we move into the Light,
our path may split again and again.
Each time it splits, our path of transcendence
becomes more and more enriched and well-defined.
In all this perplexity...
with all these phenomenal opportunities
of growth, change and enlightening evolution,
we come to realize... we are perfectly okay.
We do what we need to do to survive,
to awaken, to transform and to ascend.
And we do it in our own way... in our own time.
Reaching for spiritual fulfillment,
we invoke and progress into the Light,
eventually embrace our total SELF-Hood.
This quest leads us ever onward and upward
to a glorious homecoming with our CREATOR.
Relaxing, breathing deeply,
we allow goodness
to find us wherever we are.
Every path leads back to God/dess,
With our feet planted in two worlds,
several of us find ourselves filled with
many unanswered questions.
Which of the two worlds will grab our attention?
Where will we focus our awareness?
Due to the turbulence, doubts and fears
of some family members and friendships,
there can be a severing of our bonds and ties,
a natural moving away from one another
as different energies and beliefs
become more defined.
Walls may go up and others come down
as we allow and witness
new transformation frequencies.
Some choose to embrace the new changes,
others panic and hide, wringing their hands in fear.
On occasion, we actually find ourselves doing both,
as we vacillate back and forth,
living in both worlds simultaneously.
At times the pathways to these two worlds
seem to run together back and forth, but
soon clarity reveals the path to the Old World
remains in the darkness of duality,
often harboring constrictive, fearful feelings.
The New World path back to SOURCE is
expansive in truth and awareness, promoting
feelings of harmonious Love and Oneness.
Contemplating ‘free choice,’
as neither is right or wrong,
we journey down the path
we most resonate with.
Thinking we are home free
and trusting our decision,
a new issue may suddenly surface.
This may entail the need for new releasing,
new surrendering, new allowance,
new understanding and embracing.
Continuing to evolve as we move into the Light,
our path may split again and again.
Each time it splits, our path of transcendence
becomes more and more enriched and well-defined.
In all this perplexity...
with all these phenomenal opportunities
of growth, change and enlightening evolution,
we come to realize... we are perfectly okay.
We do what we need to do to survive,
to awaken, to transform and to ascend.
And we do it in our own way... in our own time.
Reaching for spiritual fulfillment,
we invoke and progress into the Light,
eventually embrace our total SELF-Hood.
This quest leads us ever onward and upward
to a glorious homecoming with our CREATOR.
Relaxing, breathing deeply,
we allow goodness
to find us wherever we are.
Every path leads back to God/dess,
and the path we are on,
and the path we are on,
the path we choose,
is no exception.
is no exception.
Vision Star http://janistara.blogspot.com/
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You're welcome to share the messages in their entirety
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