J AN ISTARA ACKERMAN 9-08-2009 (My Birthday)
“Watch the lid pop off
and the light stream in
as you forcibly push up
and out of your box.
Allow the fresh air of freedom
to fill your whole Being.
Now peek over the edge;
see the expansive vista of
countless, colorful possibilities,
invisible realms of breathtaking Light,
and rainbow bridges of dazzling promise.
Listen for MY laughter,
for I am your CREATOR.
Watch with me...
see eagles in flight
rise up to touch my face.
Notice butterflies no longer confined
to yesterday’s cast-off cocoon.
It is time... time to
leap from your self-imposed prison.
No longer are you to be
labeled a Jack-in-the-Box.
Do you really want fears, habits and doubts
to push you back into a box of darkness,
cramp your style through mental programming,
destroy your dreams of freedom, and
your purpose for coming to this world?
Will you allow others to manhandle you,
making null and void
your life’s joys, wishes, and mission?
Dance on your tippy toes...
sing through a megaphone...
chase darting Lighten-bugs in the air...
and blew soap bubbles up to the clouds.
There are no ‘shoulds’ or ‘oughts.’
Your I AM presence encourages you
to follow the purity of your heart’s desire,
for loving hugs and laughter define your Spirit.
You are an endless variety of expressions, such as:
star gazer, cloud dreamer, puddle wader,
bottle lamb feeder, 4th of July sparkler waver,
chocolate milk-shake sipper, baby kisser,
labyrinth walker, Weeping Willow tree climber,
oh, and so much more,...
but the mind is quicker than the tongue.
Come... it is time to leave your box...
and embrace your Whole SELF with glee.”
You are encouraged to share the 'Creator's Messages' with others
as long as you send them in their entirety and with the
contact information attached. http://janistara.blogspot.com/
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