Dear Reader,
Here is a Holy Message I received in the early years, long before I heard terms like: Higher SELF, GODDESS, mystic, feminine-aspect of GOD, etc. So when I first experienced/lived this message, I was filled with awe for I felt so LOVED, but soon after returning to the 3rd dimension I also experienced fear, for these concepts were so NEW to me. They seemed to go against the religious teaching I had received. Over time, divine intervention and the Light of my CREATOR replaced my learned illusions as I surrender again and again to the will of God. It took seven years for me to feel comfortable enough to record and share.
As I wrote in the self published Forward of my book,
FANNERS OF THE FLAME, I believed then as I do today, that
“...these special Messages are for all God’s children. I considered using inclusive language, but I decided to use the original words that came to me. Because most religious holy books of the world use exclusive language, I often felt empty and left out. These feelings were obviously unconscious. When I heard the word ‘daughter,’ I was touched a very deep level. It was as though I had waited lifetimes to be named. Hearing that I, a daughter, a woman, was loved by my Father-Mother God truly awakened my soul. Therefore, I decided to take the liberty of offering my sister readers a unique experience. All my ‘brother ‘readers have the mental freedom to substitute ‘son’ or ‘brother’ wherever they read these words.
There may also be some of the readers who do not appreciate or accept this work. I’d be the first to support that right. I can only encourage you to read with an open mind and know that your heart will not accept anything that is not right for you. I had no previous training in painting or poetry and some may call this book a stroke of luck. However, I acknowledge the stroke of God’s hand and ‘the voice in the Flaming Light.’ Heaven lies within the heart, the true Church of God. This book is shared to encourage each one to seek and discover God for them selves.”
J AN Ackerman 3-17-1977
A universe within a universe within a universe…
and so on and on it goes…Shafts of Light,
like elevators, can carry you up from
one universal level
to the next universal level.
Space within a cosmic capsule within the space
of another cosmic capsule.
No matter how big or small,
each capsule is swallowed up by God.
Everything is part of the whole.
On some levels humans play at living.
On another level godlike beings play at creating.
And on occasion the two meet face to face.
Weeping tears of joy and embracing one another,
they somehow know they are one in the same.
So it was when I rode a shaft of Light to the
Universe of ‘Golden Domes’ and walked within.
There I viewed a feminine vision of golden light.
Transparent, electrifying and Holy was this Goddess
of wisdom and love, full of divine power and fire.
She moved as if floating on a cloud.
Tall in stature was she.
So brilliant and sparkling was her light
that I took on a new pair of eyes so I could see.
Such dynamic force and power, and yet so gentle was she.
I gasped at her beauty and was about to fall on my knees.
Just then she moved closer and
opened her arms up to me.
I found myself embracing my Goddess as if
I somehow knew we were a part of each other.
An ancient truth was jarred to the surface of my memory.
And yet the truth was so awesome I had to ask,
“Who are you? I have to know!”
Her voice rang out clear, echoing down the hall of time,
“I am you! I am what you are becoming,
I am your higher SELF, your Godlike self.
I am that part of you created in God’s image.
I am that glorious vision of you
held in God’s mind.
I am your past, your future and your present.
We are one, my dear, one in the same.
My name is I AM. Acknowledge your godhood.
There is one like me for every existing soul.
All are becoming what they already are.
All things are God, of God, created by God,
and at one with God.
Falsehood and truth lie in degrees
of ignorance and enlightenment.
Self-realization restores one’s wholeness.
God is all this and so much, much more.”
“Such truth is so frightening I dare not tell a soul.”
“Fear not my beloved! Those who are ready
to see shall see.
And those who are ready to hear shall hear.
Once Truth is felt in the heart
it abides there forever more.
Go in peace, I am on call at all times.
I am as close as your next breath.
I can be heard
at every beating of your heart.
Call upon me and you call upon
your higher SELF.
Return and share the Light
and Music of this sphere.
Be a receiver of God’s protection
and walk tall in the wisdom
of this day and this place.”
And so back to earth level I went,
transported by the hand of God.
Opening my eyes, I trembled at the event
that had just taken place.
A vision in 1977 was finally painted on canvas in 1983,
and I have just relived it to record in word in 1984.
I have drunk from the cup.
So be it!
Previously published in ‘FANNERS OF THE FLAME’
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