J AN ISTARA Ackerman 5-17-2011
“I feel a need to gather my selves together.
Oh Mother/Father God, ALL THAT IS,
I am feeling rather scattered about,
like seeds blowing in the wind.
I’m aware of a physical body here,
parallel lives over there, and
multidimensional parts of me all about.
There is also the God core of me,
my Higher SELF, residing
in the ALL of no time or space.
Lately, the ME of earth’s
third dimensional vibration
has been running interference in
unfamiliar territories among all
these multiple aspects of SELF.

I am trying to pull together my multi-lives
from all direction, vibration and dimension,
in this ‘Now’ of past, present and future.
I know I would not exist on earth level
without ALL of these elements.
There is so much for me to open up,
to surrender, to explore, to accept,
to remember and be grateful for.
The vast creations of the
can be utterly overwhelming.
I look to the sun/SON to show it self,
illuminate and compile all these
fragile connections of my BEing.”
“I, your Higher SELF, am delighted
you have come to pay me a visit.”
Peace my dear, great peace to you.
You are doing so much better than
you can imagine.
The territory and the multi-aspects of SELF
are unfamiliar to you only because of the veil.

You are simply discovering more passage ways
through the veil from one dimension to another.
They are so much easier to navigate
than you ever considered possible.
Whether you focus on this physical body
or another cosmic creation of SELF,
The way you think and perceive
manifests the reality you live in.
If you want your reality to change
your focus has to change.
Old ways of thinking and perceiving,
the ‘shoulds and oughts’ of yesterday,
will fly out the window
the moment you entered LOVE.
Although at times you feel fragile,
fearful and depleted of both
courage and strength, your Spirit
is invincible, wholesome and eternal.
Your view of the beyond is not hampered,
for the skies are a cloudless, clear blue.
New life around you springs to its feet.
Move in joy as you walk through
the meadows of fresh growth.

Mutation to higher vibrations
has always been possible;
your united awareness is imminent.
Sit by the living waters and observe
sunlight dancing on its surface.
As nature illuminates your senses,
your physical form remembers its
inhabited occupant, your Divine Spirit.
Focus on transmuting your ‘tree of life.’
Beneath its shade, breathe in life as
you lean against its trunk for support.
Allow self to transform to higher vibrations,
for you are so ready for the next chapter.
Divine Grace wishes to solidify the present
I AM expression living in your physical temple.
You are evolving into a multidimensional
member of the Galactic family.
Embrace the LOVE of it ALL
and ALL of the LOVE."

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