J AN ISTARA Ackerman 6-12-2007
Oh Masters through the ages,
you who walked the earth in all her stages,
from ancient, innocent infancy
right on through to these ‘awakening times’...
know that you have finally arrived.
MY earth family, you are home and
stand on steps to your Higher SELF,
the I AM Self of SPIRIT.
Open to the WONDERMENT
of MY LIGHT and LOVE for YOU!
I, your CREATOR and YOU have always been,
for I have never left YOU alone.
MY Child, this is a time of celebration,
a ‘Celebration of the Great Change’
within this cosmic sector of creation.
As everything evolves in upper ward spirals,
YOU play an intricate role in this Great Change.
Your strength of purpose and your defining energy
carry ripened fruit within from seeds planted long ago.
It was a meticulous seed planting
of hope, faith and promise.
I planted seeds of peace and joy,
seeds of enlightenment and awareness,
seeds of gentle healing and
compassionate love, and
seeds of unique self expression
able to creatively manifest many wonders.
The fruit within your womb
has ripened on the Tree of Life.
I brought MY sun light close to you
and polished you to rosy-blush perfection.
Sweetness pulses through your veins
circulating the quality of freedom
and inter-dependence.
It is time to harvest MY ripened fruit.
Listen to harmony songs of birds
as they await a response .
Angels pluck their melodious harps,
grassy fields sway to MOTHER’s heart beat,
lake waters lap in rhythm on the shore line,
as your voice joins in song with heaven’s choirs.

Whales and dolphins swim oceans blue
as angels raise their horns in unison.
Planets turn on their axis as
electrons spin gaily around nucleus centers.
Change stirs within, without and round about
as the Great Earth MOTHER’s
children open to their Master-hood.
The ‘WISE ONES’ witness the great change...
the Great Embracing...
the Song of ONE-ness...
the Coming of Age of Family-hood
as CREATOR’s children
finally accept their God-Within.
Rest in Holy Spirit as you
heal feelings of separation.
Transform thy childhood fears and
allow thy self to grow in wisdom
and claim thy Holy, Spiritual SELF.
Step of the cliff into the great abyss
to soar like the eagle on high.
Allow MY sacred words to flow
outward from thy lips,
swaddling MY Family,
MY Creation,
MY Masters through the ages
in the Light of MY most sacred LOVE.”
Your strength of purpose and your defining energy
carry ripened fruit within from seeds planted long ago.
It was a meticulous seed planting
of hope, faith and promise.
I planted seeds of peace and joy,
seeds of enlightenment and awareness,
seeds of gentle healing and
compassionate love, and
seeds of unique self expression
able to creatively manifest many wonders.
The fruit within your womb
has ripened on the Tree of Life.
I brought MY sun light close to you

Sweetness pulses through your veins
circulating the quality of freedom
and inter-dependence.
It is time to harvest MY ripened fruit.
Listen to harmony songs of birds
as they await a response .
Angels pluck their melodious harps,
grassy fields sway to MOTHER’s heart beat,
lake waters lap in rhythm on the shore line,
as your voice joins in song with heaven’s choirs.

Whales and dolphins swim oceans blue
as angels raise their horns in unison.
Planets turn on their axis as
electrons spin gaily around nucleus centers.
Change stirs within, without and round about
as the Great Earth MOTHER’s
children open to their Master-hood.
The ‘WISE ONES’ witness the great change...
the Great Embracing...
the Song of ONE-ness...
the Coming of Age of Family-hood
as CREATOR’s children
finally accept their God-Within.
Rest in Holy Spirit as you
heal feelings of separation.
Transform thy childhood fears and
allow thy self to grow in wisdom
and claim thy Holy, Spiritual SELF.
Step of the cliff into the great abyss
to soar like the eagle on high.
Allow MY sacred words to flow
outward from thy lips,
swaddling MY Family,
MY Creation,
MY Masters through the ages
in the Light of MY most sacred LOVE.”
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for this poem message and many more.
You're encouraged to share 'Creator's Messages'
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