J AN ISTARA Ackerman 7-03-2007
I AM THAT I AM shines Light
on future manifestations:
"You Light bearers will travel
to far off stars and galaxies to view
larger portions of I AM’s grand creation.
Throughout stellar realms, bells will ring
of peaceful co-existence, ONE-ness,
collective sharing and collaboration.
The cosmic families of creation-hood,
of multi-universe vibrations and dimensions
will be all-inclusive.
There will be no ‘strangers,’
for galactic brothers and sisters will walk
about on all ‘planetary lands’ of the cosmos.
Your wishful concepts of enlightenment
and transformation will materialize.
Effective communication skills will evolve
amid various universal languages of Light.
The exchange of ideas, goodwill and
'star-technology' will be the new song.
Students will be teachers
and teachers will be students,
both spiraling upward
in awakened awareness.
Breathless artistic beauty
and melodious music will emanate
from every facet of creation.
Education will address individual interests,
encouraging gifts of creativity and multi-talents.
There shall be a grand increase of intuition,
psychic abilities and spiritual ideals.
You will explore the art of science
and the science of art.
Every opposite will enhance the whole, as
a part of ONE-ness is expressed in ALL.
Earthly religions, creeds and beliefs
shall embrace diversified
"You Light bearers will travel
to far off stars and galaxies to view
larger portions of I AM’s grand creation.
Throughout stellar realms, bells will ring
of peaceful co-existence, ONE-ness,
collective sharing and collaboration.
The cosmic families of creation-hood,
of multi-universe vibrations and dimensions
will be all-inclusive.
There will be no ‘strangers,’
for galactic brothers and sisters will walk
about on all ‘planetary lands’ of the cosmos.
Your wishful concepts of enlightenment
and transformation will materialize.
Effective communication skills will evolve
amid various universal languages of Light.
The exchange of ideas, goodwill and
'star-technology' will be the new song.
Students will be teachers
and teachers will be students,
both spiraling upward
in awakened awareness.
Breathless artistic beauty
and melodious music will emanate
from every facet of creation.
Education will address individual interests,
encouraging gifts of creativity and multi-talents.
There shall be a grand increase of intuition,
psychic abilities and spiritual ideals.
You will explore the art of science
and the science of art.
Every opposite will enhance the whole, as
a part of ONE-ness is expressed in ALL.
Earthly religions, creeds and beliefs
shall embrace diversified
Holy Spirit cosmic frequencies of
Wisdom, Light and Love.
Old duality patterns shall give way
to inclusive-Spirit and natural order.
Joy will remove tears of sadness.
Rich abundance
will fade out perilous lack.
A sense of well-being
will diminish fears and pain.
Peace and harmony will replace
terrorism and discord.
Wars will be, but a faint memory.
Round table discussions
shall settle disputes.
All differences will be considered
and viewed as unique,
divine gifts of Creative Forces.
Freedom of choice will be
the order of the day.
Pristine circumstances will assure
support for benevolence and compassion;
holistic, good-will desires will be the norm.
The future shift is here,
in this Universal NOW moment,
for CREATOR’s transforming Light Energy
descends down through thy crown,
flooding your physical outer shell with
ascension rays while infusing
thy inner core with LOVE.
Prime CREATOR’s blessed baptism
spreads to all kingdoms and lands,
finally coming to rest in
Great Mother’s heart center.
From here it is sent out again,
to bridge with new cosmic horizons,
greeting diverse universe-star dimensions
with multiple dominions to explore.
Embrace and en-joy the journey”
Wisdom, Light and Love.
Old duality patterns shall give way
to inclusive-Spirit and natural order.
Joy will remove tears of sadness.
Rich abundance
will fade out perilous lack.
A sense of well-being
will diminish fears and pain.
Peace and harmony will replace
terrorism and discord.
Wars will be, but a faint memory.
Round table discussions
shall settle disputes.
All differences will be considered
and viewed as unique,
divine gifts of Creative Forces.
Freedom of choice will be
the order of the day.
Pristine circumstances will assure
support for benevolence and compassion;
holistic, good-will desires will be the norm.
The future shift is here,
in this Universal NOW moment,
for CREATOR’s transforming Light Energy
descends down through thy crown,
flooding your physical outer shell with
ascension rays while infusing
thy inner core with LOVE.
Prime CREATOR’s blessed baptism
spreads to all kingdoms and lands,
finally coming to rest in
Great Mother’s heart center.
From here it is sent out again,
to bridge with new cosmic horizons,
greeting diverse universe-star dimensions
with multiple dominions to explore.
Embrace and en-joy the journey”

Artist Unknown
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to visit my blog, VISION STAR
for this poem message and many more.
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Go to http://janistara.blogspot.com/
to visit my blog, VISION STAR
for this poem message and many more.
You're encouraged to share 'Creator's Messages'
with others, sending them in their entirety
with contact information attached.
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