J AN ISTARA Ackerman 5-29-2007
“We call out today for angel assistance.
We need assistance to carry us through
our losses and pains.
We need assistance in rising above
our problematic issues.
We pray for strength and courage
to see us through our shortcomings,
our disappointing actions and responses,
our dis-ease... our darkness… our weakness.”
“Your Angels are present!
Be gentle to yourselves, dear ones.
Listen to the sound of tinkling chimes,
the sweet music of Heaven’s breezes.
First, love thy Self…believe in thy Self.
Never be afraid to request ‘Gentle Solutions.’
Your issues are your teachers.
They will eventually teach you
how truly wonderful you are.
Embrace and fall in love with your Self.
Feel your mystery…see your magic.
Minister to thy Self.
Ask SELF, 'What delights you?'
SELF knows the answer to your question.
Ask your physical body, ‘What delights you?’
Your physical body knows the answer as well.
Be honest with yourself.
These are not selfish questions!
These are spiritual questions
asked of your soul
and answered by your spirit..
Ask to be shown the answers by the grace
of Prime Creator, God/dess, All That IS.
All aspects and ramifications of
your issues will be carefully examined;
all needs and desires will be taken into account.
With your request for a simple, gentle solution,
the way will be made clear.
‘Way-Showers’ will come into your life
to assist you, shinning a Light on Love’s path.
Prayer, grace and self-love are your tools.
Meditation, listening to God’s voice within,
the Divine voice of your Higher SELF,
can lead you out of your dilemma…
out of your confusion.
Know, dear one, that you are
a perfect Being just the way you are…
you are a high- flying human angel.
Do not surrender to us, but join with us
for we are One in the same.
Do not succumb to feelings of guilt,
remorse or self-chastisement,
for duality is the path you have chosen to learn.
This is a situation you have drawn to yourself.
To change is to reassess your self-concept
and then create a new vision to your liking.
Stay focused on the new vision…
that which you desire.
‘FEEL’ how it could be in the new vision-creation.
Wash your hands of all other possibilities
by giving them no focus…no attention.
Trust your Higher SELF and your process.
See and feel your godly SELF
in this new mode of functioning.
Acknowledge the joy of your rebirth,
that feeling of being re-created anew
and rejoice as you continually
request grace and support.
Be in a constant state of Gratitude.
Whatever your behavior,
thoughts or feelings,
constantly embrace your beauty
and your ever aspiring Spirit
and Love Thy SELF."
constantly embrace your beauty
and your ever aspiring Spirit
and Love Thy SELF."
You are encouraged to share the 'Creator's Messages' with others as long as
you send them in their entirety and with the contact information attached.
VISION STAR http://janistara.blogspot.com/
You are encouraged to share the 'Creator's Messages' with others as long as
you send them in their entirety and with the contact information attached.
VISION STAR http://janistara.blogspot.com/
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