Thursday, October 27, 2011

Minister To One Another

Artist Unknown


J AN ISTARA Ackerman 6-07-2007

“Bring me your weak and down-trodden.
Bring to me your loved ones with all their needs.
Bring me your sick, disoriented, penniless friends.
Bring to me your sad, helpless, wounded children.
Bring to me your prayers and concerns for all
family members of the human race.

Wipe your tears;
lift up your browbeaten head.
Open your eyes; I need you to focus!
Unlock your hearts and together
we shall minister to them.
My Love and Light shall
pour down through your crown.
My healing balm shall
flow out your raised hands
to each precious soul on earth…
to each one in need.

Please work with me here…
I wish you to step-down MY
LOVE-energies so ALL may receive.
As they open to MY healing rays,
as they absorb unconditional LOVE,
MY powerful divine rays will advance
 each precious soul to higher vibrations.
You are all encouraged to
minister and pray in this way,
for self, your family and friends.
 And yes… those you call strangers
are also your family.
No one is your enemy.
radiant extensions of CREATOR.

You will all share in sending
 the Light of healing,
understanding and
 compassion out to each other.
You will find yourselves
taking turns receiving and sending.
This exchange back and forth
 will crystallize the truth of your goodness,
of your potential, of your mission and
your ONEness with ALL THAT IS.

When one is overshadowed
 by darkness and fear,
a neighbor... a friend
will come carrying a lantern.
They will come to the home
 of the one in need.
The Light of the lantern
will permeate the darkness.
Neighbors will embrace and share
their dreams of creating a new,
harmonious earth-home together.

Artist unknown

This home planet is being re-birthed
and grows in such splendor.
It shall soon be a ‘New Eden’...
with bounty and glory for All.
Embracing your creative gifts will
allow your heart to deliver it’s desires.

As everyone follows their heart
listening to the Holy Spirit within,
glorious transformation occurs instantly.
LOVE and LIGHT guides each of you
as you minister to the needs of ALL.”

to visit my blog, VISION STAR  
for this poem message and many more.
You're encouraged to share 'Creator's Messages'
with others, sending them in their entirety
with contact information attached.

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