DOORWAY TO THE STARS Artist Josephine Wall
Future Realities
J AN ISTARA Ackerman 8-22-2007
Their grand-life adventures
awaken forgotten truth
and universal wisdom for
multiple ‘galactic explorers’
presently living on planet Earth.
This acquired insight,
this ‘knowingness’ is visible

Artist Unknown
These valuable experiences shall deliver
earth inhabitants into future teaching roles.
Enlightened artists will unleash inspired
creations of deep space, spiritual awareness.
Science will integrate cosmic paranormal
elements, overturning incomplete theories.
Celestial music will fill the air with creativity,
as dancing embers rekindling new synergy.
Innovative methods of communication,
healing, and education will unlock.
Futuristic thinkers will utilize
superior sources of energy,
high technology, and transportation.
Churches, synagogues, sanctuary,
medicine wheels and spiritual centers
will walk about on two feet, as
ALL acknowledge the ‘Holy Temple’
living within every beating heart.
In this NOW moment, humanity may
choose to enter the ascension process.
Trust in their multidimensional journey,
joyful ‘earthen travelers’ voyage home
to attend their own coronation,
receive their divine inheritance and
accept galactic federation membership.
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