J AN ISTARA Ackerman 7-12-2011
Strap in...
all systems are go!
Firing up the rockets...
we have lift off, folks!
Orbiting planet Earth,
much is revealed to us
at this level of clarity.
Our Space brothers and sisters
expose their constant presence
as they speak,
“Family of Mother Earth,
you are soon to be realigned as
members of the Galactic Federation.
Even now, many of you are welcomed
aboard our ships during your
hours of sleep and meditation.
Here, your souls are lovingly bathed
in healing, restoration chambers
of pure-love vibrations.
Our ships gift all with a sense of
peaceful harmony and wholeness,
enhancing one’s ability to absorb
wisdom, grace and expansiveness.
You sit with us at our round tables
and share your heart’s desires.
We hear of your concerns...
your progress... your pain.
We listen to your thoughts and
feelings for the coming Golden Age.
We witness you re-energizing your
dreams right before our very eyes.
We openly share Supreme CREATOR’s
plans with you, and these plans
make your heart sing.
As more and more of the plans are
interpreted by you, their
manifestation begins to take shape.
You discover your co-creatorship
and realize everything is being
lifted to a higher vibration level as
ALL transport to advanced dimensions.
As the ‘ALL’ is put in order,
opposition is trimmed down,
or transformed...
on a moment to moment basis,
depending on free will choice.
In one moment you will blink and
all will be established in LOVE.
Everyone will AWAKEN,
and take a deep breath of fresh air.

An insignia of ‘ONE-ness’ will be
gratefully worn on your sleeve and
your smile will warm every heart.
Your Galactic Family will embrace
you openly in pure joy once again.
Keep the faith... all is evolving
and mutating in divine glory.
Rest in the truthful bliss of Love’s
constant presences in your life.

Go to http://janistara.blogspot.com/
to visit my blog, VISION STAR
for this poem message and many more.
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