J AN ISTARA Ackerman 8-28-2007
Throughout the millenniums,
christed ones, the avatars,
mirrored an impending promise
of a glorious ‘Lightbody’ existing within
and ethereally surrounding all BEings.
CREATOR’s ingenuous design lives equally
in all, an iridescent Light permeating
within, without, and round about.
This ethereal blueprint triggers
creation to move back into its
Higher SELF, its Lighter SELF.
In the fullness of time, motivated by
pure LOVE, each one freely chooses to
express the magnificent truth of
who they authentically are.
Each may rise on wings of ascension
to a metamorphosis Lightbody.

Each can freely choose to be their
own savior and return to the natural,
sovereign state of a Divine BEing.
The questions are,
“Do they desire to embrace
and live from Higher SELF?
Do they wish to be ONE
with their Christhood?
Will they bloom fully in
self love and acceptance?
Will they awakening to the truth...
There is no judge, for All is GOOD.
All is LOVE evolving and emerging.
There’s no separation from All That IS;
it’s an illusion of the 3rd dimension.
I AM THAT I AM did not create sinner,
but rather wondrous visionaries,
cosmic explorer, and LIGHT expanders.
Each was given the liberty to explore
their own dignity and worth in
creation’s multiple paradigms.
Each soul, an aspect of LIGHT,
was encouraged to ‘experience,’
and grow in wisdom,
ever expanding I AM THAT I AM.
To embark on this grand quest
was to fulfill Love’s divine call.
Light BEings moved out from the core
of the great Central Sun to explore
the outer perimeters of comic space,
only to fall ‘asleep’ in lower vibrations.
Because cosmic consciousness lives
eternally in all CREATOR’s children,
many NOW long to re-awaken
to the Light of their BEing,
They wish to return to ONE-ness to
participate in the grand starry Reunion.
And so they shall.

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