Saturday, February 19, 2011


LIGHTBODY Artist Duguay


J AN ISTARA Ackerman

Throughout the millenniums,
christed ones, the avatars,
mirrored an impending promise
of a glorious ‘Lightbody’ existing within
and ethereally surrounding all BEings.
CREATOR’s ingenuous design lives equally
in all, an iridescent Light permeating
within, without, and round about.

This ethereal blueprint triggers
creation to move back into its
Higher SELF, its Lighter SELF.

In the fullness of time, motivated by
pure LOVE, each one freely chooses to
express the magnificent truth of
who they authentically are.
Each may rise on wings of ascension
to a metamorphosis Lightbody.

Artist Unknown

Each can freely choose to be their
own savior and return to the natural,
sovereign state of a Divine BEing.

The questions are,
“Do they desire to embrace
and live from Higher SELF?
Do they wish to be ONE
with their Christhood?
Will they bloom fully in
self love and acceptance?
Will they awakening to the truth...

There is no judge, for All is GOOD.
All is LOVE evolving and emerging.
There’s no separation from All That IS;
it’s an illusion of the 3rd dimension.
I AM THAT I AM did not create sinner,
but rather wondrous visionaries,
cosmic explorer, and LIGHT expanders.

Each was given the liberty to explore
their own dignity and worth in
creation’s multiple paradigms.
Each soul, an aspect of LIGHT,
was encouraged to ‘experience,’
and grow in wisdom,
ever expanding I AM THAT I AM.

To embark on this grand quest
was to fulfill Love’s divine call.
Light BEings moved out from the core
of the great Central Sun to explore
the outer perimeters of comic space,
only to fall ‘asleep’ in lower vibrations.

Because cosmic consciousness lives
eternally in all CREATOR’s children,
many NOW long to re-awaken
to the Light of their BEing,
They wish to return to ONE-ness to
participate in the grand starry Reunion.
And so they shall.
THE ASCENSION Artist Juan Carlos Garcia 2001

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Creative Thoughts


J AN ISTARA Ackerman 8-16-2007

When the mind is in a meditative state
and descends into inner space or
ascends through universal dimensions,
all thought-concepts experienced are
but a speck of creation’s ONE-ness.

So there’s value and plenty of room for
all personal beliefs of the human family.
Know, if all earthly thoughts were honored,
they’d merely fills one chalice to the brim,
yet there's no end to thought-potential.
There are no boundaries to
contain thoughts... or creation.
CREATOR constantly engenders it all,
every thought.... every creation,
even the void, ‘the no-thing-ness.’

A mind closed to cosmic thought
or inspirational truths demonstrates
a life in an ‘unconsciousness’ state.’
Yes, cosmic thoughts may cause
one to feel extremely insignificant
... but remain at PEACE.
Then move into the heart center, for here
the next thought may ‘feel’ equally grand.

Thoughts, birthed in the heart center,
are tiny specks of living Light, floating
in a mini-verse of flesh and blood.
Any moment one of those Light specks
may realize it is ‘ONE with ALL.’
How empowering, how uplifting
such a thought can be!

If mind-filled thoughts are
wrapped in cocoons of guilt and fear,
if one ‘feels’ separated from CREATOR,
if one ‘feels’ insignificant and small,
one is easily controlled and manipulated.
Empowered heart-dwellers of creative thought
shatter the bondage of illusive fear and pain.

Moving thought-focus from head to heart,
allows no restrictive boundaries, while
reclaiming one’s eternal, true SELF...
one’s Higher SELF... one’s sovereign
right to ‘do all things the Christ does
and even greater than these.’


As one awakens to Heart’s inner Light,
Christ Consciousness is unveiled.
Hearts are ONE with God/dess, All That IS,
and embrace creative thoughts such as,
“Know ye are gods, Holy Spirit dwells within.”
‘Feeling’ these unconditional Love-thoughts,
Light’s perception, though a pin-prink view,
bursts into profound Cosmic Ilumination.
Open hearted, bright-eyed folks
are stirred to tears of gratitude,
compassion, joy and love.

Witnessing a heart’s Divine Truth
is to hold creation’s power in hand.
Viewing CREATOR’s masterworks of LIGHT
instantly re-creates a free, loving world.
Living in the heart is to be an Earth angel,
an unlimited thinker, a co-creator,
a speck of creation’s ONE-ness
an a-spect of Divine Light.

Artist unknown


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to visit my blog, VISION STAR
for this poem message and many more.
You're encouraged to share 'Creator's Messages'
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with contact information attached.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fire Light

'LOTUS CRYSTAL' by Kimberly Moore


“Come sit by the fire and warm yourself,
for the dark chill deep in your bones
moves up and out into the light of day.
Rise with it...
float with it.
Step from earth’s ominous shadows
for fire Light, sun Light
shines brighter with each passing day.

Turn your face; look deep into the Light.
Witness the I AM Presence of your Being
sitting on the Lotus blossom of your heart.
Kneel to the CREATOR of ALL that IS,
for this essence resides in its center
and speaks to you,"

“Dear ONE come and rest!
My words of loving comfort
have all been spoken,
over and over,
down through the ages.
The only thing NEW
is this NOW moment...
is your remembering...
is your awakening.
There is nothing new
under the sun for
All IS!

Seek not the Light...
for you are the LIGHT.
Seek not Christ Consciousness...
for you and all humanity
hold the Christ Light
within your hearts.

Seek not peace...
you are a piece of the peace.
Seek not heaven outside of you...
it resides within all.

Seek no answers...
you are both the questions
and answers.
Seek not forgiveness...
you were created for-giving-ness.

Seek not ONE-ness...
your ONE-ness melts into I AM.
I AM is everywhere you call home
and home is everywhere.

There is no chilly air...
there is no draft...
there is only a warm fire LIGHT,
a spiritual Sun LIGHT
shinning out from within.”

Artist Unknown


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You're encouraged to share 'Creator's Messages'
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