J AN ISTARA Ackerman 12-25-2007
“Energies of great change come forth
blowing in the wind.
These days of astounding joys
bring new freedom to just ‘BE.'
These are the days of
Love's disclosure, openness,
awakening, and enlightenment.
Our world divides its focus
between separated ego
and heart centeredness.
Third dimensional thinkers,
feeling separated from Source,
may draw forth intense chaos.
Those focused in their heart center
can bring forth a coming together
of brothers and sisters of like mind,
creating families of Light.
Is it not time to be in community,
in togetherness?
Heart-focused share their Light
within the core of a circle
where no one acts as leader.
The unit functions as ONE,
with all acting from heart-guidance.
Each unique individual shares
their gifts from an inner-voice moment.
As the inner-voice encourages
another to step into the 'Light of Sharing,'
everyone will listen attentively
to Holy Spirit’s lead.
It will be like throwing a ball of Light
back and forth between members,
leaving stardust trails of Light Language
and uniting all into ONE-ness,
a Spirit family circle of Love and Joy.
The winds carry this new energy
inland to the nucleus of all countries,
to the heart-core of each participant.
Choosing to live en-joy during
these changing, blowing winds,
the Golden Age Navigators,
Great Central Sun Messengers,
and Torch Light Bearers
shall experience the
safety of sweet family life.
So, open your hearts to transformation,
as blowing winds bring forth rebirth!”
Go to http://janistara.blogspot.com/
to visit my blog, VISION STAR
for this poem message and many more.
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