J AN ISTARA Ackerman 7-24-1990
I AM the voice of LIGHT,
a voice from your Motherland...
from your ‘Oversoul' frequency.
I AM the voice behind purple storm clouds...
the voice of inner Light, of ONE-heartedness...
the voice of unconditional love and joy...
the voice of connection and reconnection...
the voice of the past, present and future...
the voice of remembrance and spirit connection...
the voice of transformation and transmutation.
I AM Love’s Light, the voice of other dimensions...
the voice of healing, assimilation and vision...
the voice of truth and restoration...
I AM the voice assisting the Great Mother and
leading her family back to wholeness, oneness...
back to CREATOR, back to GOD SELF.
I AM the Light of the holy ones...
silver-gold Light of High Priestess and Priest...
the Light of sunrise and sunset.
I AM the voice of Teachers from cosmic lands,
love’s gift-bearers from higher levels.
I tell you it is time to connect and acknowledge
the ancient truths within your hearts,
to act from the core of truth and share.
It is time to join hands in divine anticipation,
responding with holy action on this physical plane.
Listen to your inner guidance, for directions are
chiseled on the pillars of your heart.
Lit candles on your heart’s altar to illuminate
the questions of how, when, where and why.
As the process begins to unfold for you,
answers will come and fears will cease.
Be the innocent, trusting child of Light,
for when you are open to your life’s mission...
when you are open to your gifts,
to your inner teacher,
all will be revealed at the proper time.
It’s a matter of trust and surrender.
It’s a matter of embracing quenchable joy
as you follow your path of blazing Light.
It’s a matter of resurrection and ascension.
It’s a matter of releasing and fulfillment.
It’s a matter of the union of spirit in matter.
It’s God walking with you and within you.
Join with your Space brothers and sisters.
Join with your families of past and future times.
Close your eyes and feel our union, our at-one-ment.
Have the courage to seek as you question...
to remain open to growth as you long to protect...
to welcome the new as you release the old...
to find joy and goodness
as you give up sadness and pain.
Dance to New Beginnings as yesterdays
remembrances filter through your mind.
I AM your voice of Light.
I AM your connection to your past and future.
All may seek their personal angels, guides and Masters,
for there shall be a joining of hearts and souls
like you have not known for eons of time.
We’re as close as your next breath, standing ready to
serve the Light of you with your help and willingness.
It’s not difficult; ask and it shall be given unto you.
Seek and you shall find the willing Spirit of Holy Light.
Our union is assured;
we stand ready to serve with you all
in God’s name... Amen.

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