J AN ISTARA Ackerman 12-17-2009
I bring you Christmas tidings of great joy,
for unto you is born this day
in the heart of humanity
a Christ…
a Cosmic Christ Consciousness.
And this shall be a sign unto you,
you shall find a spinning wheel of Love,
a glowing gold-white Light,
sleeping within the hearts of all people.
From this heart cradle,
Holy Spirit can be felt living in and
through every man, woman and child.
In gratitude, you join Heaven’s chorus
singing of your new born en-lighten-ment.
Prayerfully you stretch out your hands
to heal wounded self and your world home.
In your right time,
In gratitude, you join Heaven’s chorus
singing of your new born en-lighten-ment.
Prayerfully you stretch out your hands
to heal wounded self and your world home.
In your right time,
'feeling’ the value as a christed Light Being,
you will graduate as Universal teachers
you will graduate as Universal teachers
and healers of great merit.
Having walked through the
Having walked through the
‘Valley of Darkness,’
you will emerge mature in
you will emerge mature in
'Sun Light Awareness.'
In the future,
each of you shall gift the cosmos,
give back to the Supreme Creator, All That IS,
your wisdom and insightful love experiences
sown and reaped on 3rd dimensional Earth.
This shall be your way
of adding to the glorious ONEness.
Happy Winter Solstice,
Merry Christmas tidings and
a New Year’s blessing to one and all.
give back to the Supreme Creator, All That IS,
your wisdom and insightful love experiences
sown and reaped on 3rd dimensional Earth.
This shall be your way
of adding to the glorious ONEness.
Happy Winter Solstice,
Merry Christmas tidings and
a New Year’s blessing to one and all.

You're encouraged to share 'Creator's Messages'
with others, sending them in their entirety
with contact information attached.
VISION STAR http://janistara.blogspot.com/
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