Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sophia's Grace

Artist Unknown


J AN  ISTARA  Ackerman
 2-12-2012 (55) at (5)

A labyrinth walk was done
in your Name, Sweet ONE,
CHANGE is coming your way,
delightful and joyous change.

Today’s fives in the date and time
are indicators... signs of new hope,
 evidence of fresh beginnings.
Great Holy Mother stands
within thee & encircles thy Spirit.

Sophia’s grace walks with you amid
exalted HOLY SPIRIT, Shekinah lineage,
 Mother Mary, Quan Yin & Mary Magdalene.

Artist Unknown

Walking the Circle of ONEness,
bright, warm sunshine fills the heart.
GOD’s hidden feminine lifts HER veil.
The omniscient GODDESS returns,
awakening inner awareness.

SHE speaks to the heart,  
 "You have been set forth
upon this land... new to you,
with great acknowledgement of
the gifts you bring to one and all.

the HOLY SPIRIT Trinity,
is Love-Light contained
in every earth-child Spirit.

The children nuzzle 
at HER breast in
peaceful harmony.
All are safely mothered.

No more pain and tears
for you dear ones.
No more genocide or fear.
No more mutilation
and humiliation.

You have lived through
those manifestations
over and over.
Never again!

Acknowledge the LIGHT flow
through thy clear, sweet eyes.
SEE cascading rainbow radiance
 cover earth in unfiltered waves.

THE PEACE RAINBOW Artist Eva M. Sakmar-Sullivan

Your crystalline wisdom
is pure as Heaven's Heart,
a universal blueprint expressing
 creation’s eternal embrace. 

You dance through ‘Golden-Age’
 harmony and grace,
swaddled in MOTHER’s anointing
LOVE for the whole human race.

And the little ones shall lead them!” 


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