Photographer James Ackerman
J AN ISTARA Ackerman 12-09-2012
These are the days of preparation for 12-12-2012; for 12-21-2012, the Grand Winter Solstice of the Eons; and for 12-25-2012, the continuation of the Holy birth-awakening of the Christ Consciousness within ALL Life.
For some time now, I have been getting down loads of energy through my crown, forcing me to retire in the evenings earlier than usual. On some nights I experience long, deep sleep and at other times, I have nights of wakefulness.
When I get these high frequency downloads, often there is great pressure pushing down through my crown. It feels like a pillar of LIGHT flowing from crown on down through my feet, anchoring me to Mother Earth’s core. This down-loading pressure is often followed by light headedness, wobbliness and feelings of rising up, out of my body through the apex of my crown, the ‘baby’s soft spot’ of my head. These symptoms have come and gone since Feb. 21, 1975, but have been more numerous and noticeable the last ½ of 2012. There is also periodic multiple joint pains throughout my body.
A Spirit-Sister of mine talked to me about a ‘Preparation Ceremony’ on 12-09-2012. Now I had been considering a purification ceremony for our lake water and for all the ‘life blood’ waters of Mother Earth as a symbolic preparation for the passage of the Piscean Age into the Aquarian Age. So I was drawn intuitively to her suggestion.
Sunday, December 09, 2012 carries the numerology vibrations of #8, ‘as above so below.’ Concepts of a water purification ceremony began to seep into my bones. I imagined myself walking down a snowy path to ‘our’ Mary Lake to do a restoration- cleansing and transformation baptism of the polluted water atoms back to their original-blueprint crystalline templates; this healing would then expand out to include all the world waters. I realized Mary Lake would be frozen, but the ‘intent’ would be there.
Carrying a water pitcher down to the lake shore, my simple role would be that of a hollow reed, a humble vessel for Divine Mother/Father God. The pitcher of water would be blessed by/with Holy Spirit’s transmuting energies of Love, Gratitude and Respect. Then the Holy water would be poured into Mary Lake. From here Sacred Blessings would expand, flowing out across the inland waters to all the oceans and seas of the world. Through the waters ways, the blood veins, all life on earth would connect as ONE; it would aid the Aquarian Ascension preparation of Mother Earth and her kingdoms.
Sharing this vision with Denisa, my California Spirit sister, I felt in some small way I’d symbolize a feminine counter-part of the ‘Aquarian Man bearing the Water Pitcher.’ From the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus, the Christ come these words: “The word Aquarius is derived from the Latin word aqua, meaning water, and the word Aquarius is the Water Bearer, which is the 11th sign of the Zodiac.” Mass consciousness crossing the heavenly arc-way, from 3rd dimension into the 5th dimension, is the act of Mother Earth and her kingdoms crossing from the Piscean Age into the Aquarian Golden Age. “It is the age of a secret spring opening the door to Wisdom and an understanding heart.”
Intuitively, I sensed Light workers around the world, both on the etheric and physical planes, all doing similar acts of Love. My heart openly joined them. I knew it was an exercise of free will, of expansion, and a ‘going with the flow.’ Counting on the supportive guidance and the over-shadowing of ‘Heaven’s Company as Spiritual Partners of Light,’ we would all be fulfilling our mission, each in our own way.
My sister emailed me, ’’so I envisioned myself walking beside you as you walk down to the waters of the Grand Mother (MARY LAKE)....I see myself walking in a long skirt... white cotton flowing skirt...I am younger and spunkier.. And I am so quiet so as not for you to see me with you... rather that you feel me there.....”
With my Spirit Sister, I shared, “Well, I will need to wear much warmer clothes. The forecast is 4 to 6 inches of deep snow, so my walk will be slow and steady. Blizzard conditions will force me to stop and rest and breathe. I will wear my crystal pendulum and earring set. Still needing to gather things in the morning, I’ll report in before I leave the house.” I acknowledged three other sisters of my Grand Sisterhood, whose hearts would join us in representing the 4 directions.
Early Sunday morning, 12-09-2012 I emailed, “The snow is deeper than expected and it is still snowing; the winds are expected to pick up. Last night I awoke and looked out the window at 3:49 AM or was it 4:39 AM? I thought to myself, ‘This is going to be interesting.’ I considered that perhaps it was not to happen. With that thought, I immediately surrendered to my CREATOR and fell back asleep. It appears this morning that snow shoes will be required... I am sure! Jim is going to have to assist... forget the white ceremonial robe... this will take real effort. Realizing snow flakes are fresh, pure water crystals, I know I can do a rite almost anywhere outside on our ‘WHITE LIGHT CONNECTION CENTER’, the 21+ acres of ‘Ackermanor.’ The energies can be directed down to Mary Lake. I remain at peace and open to God's direction. I will keep you posted.”
She sent back this email message, “ do whatever feels safe... and I am so glad that Jim will be with you... you can do it anywhere....I love u ...keep me posted”
Before heading out the door, I emailed “I AM WITH YOU AND YOU WITH ME!! Getting ready... not sure yet of where or what I will be doing... going with the flow!” I left the house on Sunday, December 09, 2012 at exactly 10:30 AM.
Photographer James Ackerman
Dressed in my quilted-insulated underwear; a Welsh-wool, homemade red cape and matching shoulder bag; black snow boots and warm gloves, I looked around to see what hat I should wear. Jim, my beloved husband of 47 years and gracious ‘grounding-supporter,’ handed me a bright ‘glow-hickie’ orange stocking cap. He informed me that the ‘black-powder musket boys’ had this last day to hunt. He put an orange collar on our 10 yr. old yellow lab, ‘D-O–Gee,’ who would accompany us. Then he pulled on an orange plastic vest over his jacket. Living by federal Water Fowl Production Areas requires such precautions during hunting season.
D-O-Gee Photographer James Ackerman
Also, Jim has been a Citizen Volunteer Monitor for the waters of MARY LAKE for several years. He does this every weekend during the late spring, all summer and early fall for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. He is a man of action!
Setting the shoulder bag down inside the door, I stepped out onto the deck from our warm, cozy home. The shoulder bag was filled to the brim with ceremonial goodies. It contained a large, shinny copper pitcher; a plastic ½ gallon milk carton ¾ full of well water from our sink; a white candle with fire lighter; our digital camera for photographer Jim; my writing material... ‘Just in case!’ and 3 paper towels for nasal drip back-up.
I stood there on the deck trying to decide if I needed more or less clothing to survive this Minnesota blizzard; snow shoeing is a lot of work and I may soon be wringing wet and chilled. Jim bent over and strapped my boots into his home-made snow shoes. He explained to me how to navigate the deep 12 inches of fresh, fallen snow. Finally, I was ready to begin an arduous 1 ½ hour Spirit-driven journey. Flinging my nap sack over my back I set off.

Photographer James Ackerman
What a vision I was! I looked the cross between Mrs. Claus, with a bundle slug over her back... and a Great Mother Crone, bearing the Water Pitcher for the ‘Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.’ It was a sight of humility and humor.
Now a few years ago, I had been to the end of the pasture and back on snow shoes. That was before I’d had double knee replacement surgery in Sept. 2010. I’d NEVER attempted to go beyond that point. But there I was heading on a quarter mile hike through the woods and back, purposefully breaking a fresh trail with each step I took. Because of the heavy, deep snow, I focused on it sliding off every time I lifted a foot. Physically it was very touch and go for me. I often considered stopping and performing the ceremony right where I stood. Praying for support, I soon felt a crowd of loving BEings holding me up. I wept. And the wind whipped snow flakes in my face, blessing my weary efforts.
Photographer James Ackerman
D-O-Gee was in the lead; Jim, on skis, moved quietly behind me, stopping to take an occasional picture. “Why pictures?” you ask. “First of all I am a writer. Pictures help to tell a story and encourage me to write. Also physical acts, such as writing, help keep me anchored and grounded. With the intense energies pouring through my spirit’s abode, I find it too easy to drift out of my ‘physical overcoat.’
I am a silent scribe partner, allowing GOD to decide when and if and with whom a story or message is to be shared. The experience of Living the stories, of writing and reading them is a very private and personal gift to me. I remain forever a grateful and blessed handmaiden of Mother/Father GOD. If you are reading this, it is what I would call a ‘Divine Coincidence’, in other words, it is intended that you experience this in your own way. I view it as GOD addressing the GOD within you, the innocent, Holy Christ-child Spirit radiating from your heart.”
Multiple thoughts continued to flow as I lifted my snow shoes high. Moving down along the wooded pathway, I eventually made it to the base of the hill.
Photographer James Ackerman
Soon the meadow opened up to me. I could sense multiple, sleeping life forms slumbering beneath my feet; the promise of life’s rebirth in springtime burned bright within every seed. I cross a blanketed meadow to my ‘vortex teepee.’
Photographer James Ackerman
Photographer James Ackerman
Once inside the teepee poles I opened my heart completely in continual prayer. The heavens released a Divine-Love pillar of energy. It poured from the teepee apex down through my crown, grounding me to the core of Mother Earth. With frozen patterns of creation’s perfection surrounding me, my God seed, my inner I AM flame was rekindled and rose to action. My ‘little will’ was constantly in surrender to the firm, unshakable, and ever lasting WILL of GOD.
As I moved into a state of preparation, Jim quickly converted the dock on shore into a table altar.
Photographer James Ackerman
Here I sat for a moment to rest and got out my water to fill the Copper Pitcher.
Silently I considered the event soon to happen on the shoreline of Mary Lake. I checked my watch for the time; I wanted to be synchronized with my spirit sister.
Then I moved down by Mary Lake to test the waters so to speak.
Photographer Jan Ackerman
Our Minnesota lake was almost completely frozen, but not quite. So I had to stand on the bank's edge. From this vantage point I could ‘feel’ and ‘see’ the Holy Spirit within the form and the formless. The Holy Spirit is eternal, inclusive and ONE with ALL.... the ALLness of the ALL. During this great change of the Ages, ALL are adorned with the golden white LIGHT of trans-form-a-tion. It is a time of clarity, a time of transference, into the blessed grace of awakening. Each will experience this transition in their own unique way.
Photographer James Ackerman
The powerful air element swept across the open space to greet me face to face.
Photographer James Ackerman
As my private ceremony was about to start, Jim placed his cell phone in my ceremonial bag prior to he and D-O-Gee walking back up the hill, however he took a few last pictures of the ‘water bearer’ before they quietly disappearing from view.
And so I joined HOLY SPIRIT to bless the water as well as acknowledge the other three elements of earth, fire and air. I stood on the banks of the MOTHER, Mary Lake, in a state of LOVE, GRATITUDE and REVERENCE for the life and creation of the great BEing called MOTHER EARTH and her kingdoms.
Photographer James Ackerman
Photographer James Ackerman
Photographer James Ackerman
The sacred water was poured from the water pitcher into the crystallized ice water of Mary Lake; then it flowed out to all the world’s aqua springs of life.
Photographer James Ackerman
ALONE I looked to the eastern sky, constantly surrounded in GOD’s Love of AL-ONE. It was a ceremony of the heart. With tears running down my cheeks, I spoke a prayer of submission to Prime CREATOR, “Mother/Father God, if it is THY WILL, flow through me, your humble servant, into Mary Lake and all the inland waters ways, seas and oceans of the world. The waters, as well as humanity, are in great need of purification. Use me as you will, dear GOD, to send out THY healing rays of transformation. With THY Love, restore every water molecule to its pristine-crystalline template, for many waters of this world are empty within and long to be filled and infused with THY Grace. I focus attention on the Greater Whole with every beat of my heart, allowing energies of the Change to intensified and expanded. And please send in your league of angels to hold me up so that I may successfully do my part. Thy Will Be Done.”
Unaware and detached from the outcome, I longed for nothing, but fulfilling my task at hand. Through us, the DIVINE brings forth the power of unification, universal wisdom, and planetary peace. The power of it all, the awe of it all was BEing, just BE-ing witness to the Divine unfoldment of GOD’s perfect plan. This ceremony was an honor beyond expression; there are no words. The ceremony was so much bigger than me... so much. I have always known I can do nothing myself, for it is God within that doeth the works. From the shores of Mary Lake, LIGHT rippled out to all the waters of Gaia, permeating the ‘life blood’ within all forms of expression. It was very powerful!
Personally, it was a real feat for me on all levels, which I would not have accomplished without constant DIVINE assistance and Jim! There were many times I thought of stopping, but somehow all multidimensional aspects of myself: my Higher SELF, selves from the past, present and future, stood with me and whispered in my ear. I’d felt the Angelic Company of heaven, Masters of Wisdom, Star Families of the cosmos, and the Elohim of creation assisting me with this timely and huge responsibility of the ages.
Even though it was a long, strenuous climb back up the hill and seemed to take forever, there was an inexhaustible, untapped reservoir within my heart. Often I stopped to rest, but a peaceful assurance drove me onward. My essence was penetrated with great Love, support and strength from a heavenly Source.
Photographer James Ackerman
Jim came out of the house to meet me and took a final picture. He offered to carry my bag. “No thanks!” I said, trying unsuccessfully to smile. “I’ve carried my own ‘baggage’ all the way up the hill. I need to complete this mission.” I thought, “... in my own feeble way and in my own time... to accomplish and claim it for myself.” I was exhausted beyond words. I felt like ‘Ancient Mother.’ Later while viewing the pictures, I felt their power; I could not ignore their impact just because I looked so old. I saw a transformation. Maybe I really do look this old and just don't know it. Now that is something to digest.
With tremendous gratitude, I’d opened my arms to the over-shadowing of CREATOR’s LOVE and LIGHT. Together we formed a partnership, a united consciousness, having the ability to co-create a fresh new world and cosmos.
My final email message, “I made it! It is done!”
for this message and many more.
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