Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Baptism

Artist Unknown


J AN ISTARA Ackerman 5-07-1981
Published in Author’s book,


From this day forth you shall be
known as a disciple of the Christ,
anointed as daughter/son of your Lord God,
and be in union with the Holy Spirit.
All people shall acknowledge this seal.
Your ONE-ness with all things
shall prevail from this day forward.

Thy parents shall bend to your needs,
thy sister and brother
shall be your soul supporters.
And I AM, your God,

shall walk and talk with you

all the days of your life.
Peace to you, gentle child, peace.
Blessed art thou…blessed art ALL!

Artist Unknown


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You're encouraged to share 'Creator's Messages'
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Friday, April 15, 2011

Dedicated to Loved Ones

Artist Unknown


J AN ISTARA Ackerman 5-13-2009

Light rays bend down to kiss Mother Earth

as the blazing sun drops out of sight.

Lost in the sunset, my mind trials off,

searching for comforting answers.

Soon darkness closes in,

bringing waves of doubt and

fear for the safety of my loved ones.

My inner eye, now wide open,

focuses on the screen of my mind.

I hear my self question,


are you still there?”

“Yes, dear heart. I AM here!

I AM THAT I AM always IS

and forever shall be

CREATOR without end.

Know that you and your

loved ones are as Light Sparks,

stars reflected in the cool, dark sky,

divine expressions of Creative Force.

Prayerful thoughts for your dear ones

causes your inner light to sparkle.

Your loving radiance

connects to them in an instant,

as Guardian Angels

reach out to comfort each of you.

Know in truth that all is well.

There is no end, no death in sight.

Spirits of dear ones will never soar

so far away that your love for them

and their love for you is forgotten.

Love is eternal, as are you.

Be en-joy in your time together.

Appreciate every precious moment.

Speak often of their goodness,

for each is indeed a great treasure.

Laugh with their dancing eyes,

embrace their unique joy for life.

Sing of one another’s praises.

Be in a state of expectation...

always seeking the Divine wonder

and sacred magic within one another.

Look on their countenance;

see CREATOR’s Light

shinning back at you.

Open the windows of your mind

to the glistening, eternal life within all.

Now go forth in peace,

for you and your loved ones

shall always BE.


to visit my blog, VISION STAR

for this poem message and many more.

You're encouraged to share 'Creator's Messages'

with others, sending them in their entirety

with contact information attached.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Altar Voice Within

Artist unknown


J AN Ackerman 1-26-1984

Poem published in Author’s book,


“The Great Sacred Force and you are ONE.

It has always been so and will forever be.

We are one in the same, for our union is law.

Our union is Truth and Love.

Do not be disheartened.

Stretch, reach and grasp the LIGHT.

Embrace it within and let it flow outward

to all my people everywhere on the planet.

Release the old fears, welcome Love anew

and let the Great Plan unfold.

Share with one and all and remain at Peace,

for I honor your heart by conversing with it.

What a fine earthen vessel you are

as you acknowledge your daughtership.

Always keep the door ajar,

come within often and be consoled.

The messages are true and sound.

Oh, translucent ‘Faithful,’

at last you are found.

Sink your roots into the earth

and draw heaven down."

Artist unknown


Go to

to visit my blog, VISION STAR

for this poem message and many more.